How to make your toilet cistern more efficient ?
Many homeowners are beginning to see the benefits of reducing water usage in plumbing fixtures. Whether you've recently installed a bidet and want to offset the water usage it requires, or you're simply tightening your water usage across the board, here are three ways you can improve the efficiency of your toilet cistern.
Install water saving fill valve
The water saving fill valve saves water wasted in the make-up phase after flushing. When you flush the toilet, water starts flowing through the fill valve. The water goes to two places: the bowl and the tank. The bowl fills faster, but when it fills, excess water runs down the drain until the tank is also full. This means that standard fill valves typically waste a gallon of water per flush. The water saving fill valve has a calibration function that allows you to change the fill rate of the bowl based on the fill rate of the tank. You can calibrate them so they finish filling at the same time, reducing waste.
Make the cistern filling capacity smaller
If there is extra space in the cistern, you can use a 2-liter bottle to fill up with water and place it in the cistern to reduce the space available for water. After making this adjustment, you should test the toilet's flushing ability and readjust if necessary.
Adjust tank fill line down
You can adjust the position of the float in the tank down, which lowers the tank fill line, reducing the amount of water that goes into the tank after flushing.
If the above method is complicated to you, please consider Oceanwell's cisterns, which will definitely satisfy you.
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